Beginner Passive Income: Simple Steps to Start Earning

Beginner Passive Income: Simple Steps to Start Earning

Are you dreaming of a life where money works for you, instead of you working for money? Embarking on a journey to generate passive income as a beginner can be an ideal way to start tackling your financial goals. Passive income, for those unfamiliar, is the concept of earning a steady stream of income from various sources with minimal effort. This article will delve into the subject, offering guidance and basic ideas for those at the beginner stage of their passive income journey.

Taking the first steps towards generating a passive income stream can seem daunting, but rest assured, you’re on the right track by seeking knowledge. The process begins with understanding the types of passive income opportunities available and choosing the best methods to suit your preferences and skill set. Whether you’re looking to invest in property, create an online business or dabble in the stock market, the possibilities are endless.

In the following paragraphs, we’ll unveil some popular passive income ideas that are suitable for beginners, and touch upon some vital considerations when embarking on this venture. It’s important to remember that patience and persistence are key components when it comes to building a successful passive income. So, grab a cuppa, get comfortable, and prepare to learn the basics of turning your dream of financial freedom into reality.

Understanding Passive Income

Active Income Vs Passive Income

When thinking about ways to increase your wealth, you probably consider working more hours or getting a better job. This is known as active income, which is the kind of money you earn by directly trading your time and effort for a salary or wage.

On the other hand, passive income is the money that comes in without you having to put in much effort or work continually. It’s typically unearned income, as opposed to the earned income you get from active income. Passive income can provide a more relaxed approach to finances, requiring less hands-on attention to maintain steady cash flow.

To give you some context, here are some common active income sources:

  • Employment salary
  • Commission selling
  • Freelance work

And, examples of passive income sources:

  • Rental properties
  • Dividends from investments
  • Royalties from books, music, or inventions

Remember, finding ways to generate passive income can help you reach your financial goals without demanding too much of your precious time. By building a passive income stream, you can enjoy the benefits of working smarter, not harder.

Fundamental Passive Income Streams


Investing is a great way to start building passive income. By putting your money into stocks, bonds, and other investments, you can earn interest and dividends over time. You don’t need a large amount of money to start investing, as there are options like index funds and robo-advisors that allow for small initial investments. As you become more knowledgeable about investing and grow your portfolio, your passive income can potentially increase.

  • Index funds: low-cost and diversified investments that track a market index
  • Robo-advisors: automated investment platforms that create a customised investment portfolio based on your goals and risk tolerance

Real Estate

Real estate is another excellent way to generate passive income. You can buy property and rent it out, which can provide a steady income in the form of rent payments from tenants. Alternatively, you can invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs), which allow you to own shares of properties and earn dividends from their income.

  • Rental properties: buying and renting out properties to earn rental income
  • REITs: a way to invest in real estate without directly owning property, offering exposure to diversified real estate assets

Online Assets

In the digital age, content creation can be a fantastic source of passive income. By creating digital products, such as ebooks, courses, or music, you can earn royalties each time someone purchases or consumes your content. In addition, uploading your content to platforms like YouTube or a blogging site can lead to ad revenue as your content gains views and traction.

  • Digital products: ebooks, courses, music, and other digital content that can be sold or licensed
  • Content platforms: websites and channels where you share content and generate ad revenue over time

Remember to be patient and consistent in your efforts to build passive income, as it can take time to see substantial results. Keep exploring new opportunities and refining your strategies to maximise your potential for growth.

Online Passive Income Opportunities

Affiliate Marketing

If you’re keen to dive into the world of passive income, affiliate marketing is a great place to start. Here, you promote products or services on your blog or website and receive a commission every time a visitor makes a purchase through your unique referral link. To make the most of this, choose products relevant to your audience and integrate them into your content seamlessly.

  1. First, establish a blog or website to showcase the items you’re endorsing.
  2. Sign up with an affiliate programme, like Amazon Associates or Commission Junction.
  3. Create quality content and endorse products in a genuine manner, sharing your experiences.

As your following grows, so does your potential for earning passive income.


Dropshipping is an e-commerce model in which you sell products from manufacturers or suppliers without holding any inventory. Orders are fulfilled by the supplier directly to the customer, so you don’t have to bother with stock management or shipping logistics. This is a cost-effective way to start an online store with minimal risk and capital investment.

  • Create an e-commerce store on platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce.
  • Find reliable suppliers and list their products on your store.
  • Market your store and establish your brand to attract customers.

With dropshipping, you can make money while avoiding the hassle of a brick-and-mortar shop.

YouTube Channel

One of the more popular methods to generate passive income is by creating a YouTube channel. YouTube offers ad revenue to channel owners who meet specific criteria, such as having over 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within 12 months. Once you reach that milestone, you can apply for the YouTube Partner Programme to start monetising your channel.

To begin with YouTube, follow these steps:

  1. Select a niche that you’re passionate about and knowledgeable in, so creating content is both enjoyable and credible.
  2. Consistently publish quality videos that are engaging and provide value to viewers.
  3. Invest in decent recording equipment and video editing software to improve your content quality.

Remember to engage with your audience and take their feedback into account – this helps you grow and adapt your content to suit your viewers, ensuring a steady stream of ad revenue.

Investment Platforms

Online Brokerages

When starting your passive income journey, you can open a brokerage account with an online broker. They provide access to a wide variety of investment opportunities like stocks, bonds, and ETFs. By diversifying your investments, you minimise risk while boosting your potential earnings.

Some popular online brokerages:

  • Brokerage A: Offers low fees and a user-friendly platform.
  • Brokerage B: Known for its extensive research and investment tools.

Do your research and choose one that best fits your needs and preferences.


If you’re looking for a more hands-off approach, consider robo-advisors. They use algorithms to manage your investments, taking into account your risk tolerance, goals, and financial situation. They often have lower fees than traditional financial advisors, making them an attractive option for beginners.

Usually, they invest in diversified portfolios of low-cost ETFs, which can provide a steady stream of cash flow. Some robo-advisors you can check out include:

  • Robo-Advisor A: Offers automated portfolio management and low management fees.
  • Robo-Advisor B: Known for its goal tracking and automatic rebalancing.

Remember to weigh the fees, portfolio options, and features before making your choice.

Passive Income for Beginners

High-Yield Savings Accounts

A high-yield savings account is a great option for beginners looking for a low-risk passive income stream. You can benefit from higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts, meaning more money accrues in your account. To maximise your earnings, shop around for banks and building societies offering the best rates – keep an eye on introductory offers, too.

Dividend-Paying Stocks

Dividend-paying stocks are another fantastic option for generating passive income. As you invest in shares of a company, you become a shareholder and may be entitled to a portion of the company’s profits as dividends. You can then reinvest the dividends to buy more shares, enabling a compounding effect over time. Do some research, analyse different companies, and consider diversifying your stock portfolio to mitigate risks.

Real Estate Crowdfunding

Real estate crowdfunding platforms allow you to invest in property with a small initial investment. By joining other investors, you can collectively buy shares in properties, such as residential or commercial units. The rental income from these properties is then distributed amongst shareholders in the form of dividends. These platforms also tend to manage the property, so you don’t need to worry about day-to-day tasks. Remember to choose well-established platforms that have a good track record for success.

As a beginner, it’s crucial to start with low-risk investments and progressively explore more complex techniques as your confidence and expertise grow. By following the advice above, you’ll be on your way to building a solid passive income foundation.

Creative Ventures

Writing EBooks

Have you ever thought about sharing your knowledge or stories with the world? Writing eBooks can be a great way to earn passive income and extra money working from home. Start by identifying your area of expertise or a topic you’re passionate about. Once you’ve got your content ready, self-publish your eBook on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Apple Books. Remember to promote your eBook through social media and your personal blog to reach a wider audience.

Selling Art

If you’re an artist, consider selling your art online to generate passive income. You can create digital art, illustrations, or even design merchandise like t-shirts and posters. Register on websites like Etsy, Redbubble, or Society6 to upload and sell your artwork. Just set your prices, and they’ll handle the production, shipping, and customer service for you. You’ll receive royalties every time your art sells, so it’s a fantastic way to share your talent and make money.

Online Courses

Why not share your knowledge and skills by creating an online course as a digital product to sell? It’s an excellent opportunity to generate passive income while helping others learn and grow. First, choose a subject you’re knowledgeable about, then plan and record your course content. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and Coursera can host your course and make it accessible to a global audience. Don’t forget to market your course on your blog, social media, or newsletter to attract more students.

Side Hustles and Apps

In today’s world, having a side hustle or two can help you earn some extra passive income. This section will explore some options, focusing on mobile apps and renting out storage space.

Mobile Apps

Do you know there are numerous mobile apps out there that make it easy for you to generate passive income? They’re a great way to utilise your smartphone to your advantage. Consider these options:

  • Cashback apps: You can earn cashback on everyday purchases by scanning your receipts or shopping through specific retailers. Examples include Quidco and TopCashBack.
  • Investment apps: Apps like Moneybox and Nutmeg allow you to start investing in stocks and bonds with little capital. They’re perfect for dipping your toe into the world of investing without needing a huge budget.
  • Survey apps: In your spare time, you can complete surveys and get paid for sharing your opinions. Apps like YouGov and Prolific are popular choices.

Rent Out Storage Space

If you happen to have some additional storage space such as a garage, loft, or even just a spare room, you could be sitting on a money-making opportunity. People are always seeking storage solutions for their belongings – why not rent out your unused space and earn some passive income?

To get started, these are a few steps you can follow:

  1. Assess and tidy the space: Ensure the space is clean, secure, and accessible for users.
  2. Determine your rental charge: Research the market in your area and set a competitive rate.
  3. Advertise your space: List your storage space on popular platforms like Stashbee, Storemates, or Spareground.
  4. Be clear about guidelines and policies: Make sure to establish any rules or restrictions for what can be stored, access hours, and insurance coverage.

By exploring these passive income options, you’ll be well on your way to supplementing your regular earnings with minimal effort. It’s a win-win for both your wallet and your peace of mind!

Peer-to-Peer Lending and Crowdfunding


In the world of passive income, peer-to-peer lending can be a great option for you. One popular platform for this purpose is Prosper. Prosper connects borrowers who are seeking personal loans with investors like you, looking for opportunities to grow your money. By investing in various loans, you can diversify your portfolio and earn income in the form of interest paid by the borrowers.

There are a few key points to consider when investing in Prosper:

  • Loan grades: Loans on Prosper are graded based on the creditworthiness of borrowers. This helps you decide the level of risk you’re willing to take.
  • Diversification: Just like with any other investment, it’s important to diversify your portfolio to spread the risk. Prosper suggests investing at least £1,500 and dividing it into around 100 notes.
  • Auto-invest: If you’re new to P2P lending, Prosper offers an Auto-invest feature that creates a portfolio based on your preferred risk and return levels.


If you’re more interested in passive income through property investments, RealtyMogul is a platform that specialises in real estate crowdfunding. You can invest in different types of properties, such as rental properties and commercial spaces, without having to deal with the landlord’s job.

RealtyMogul offers two main investment structures:

  1. REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts): With the help of REITs, you can invest in a pool of properties managed by RealtyMogul. You’ll receive dividends regularly from the trust, and the income is generated from various properties in the trust.
  2. Individual properties: RealtyMogul also allows you to invest in specific properties. By investing in single properties, you can gain a more direct income from that particular investment. However, this approach may come with higher risk compared to REITs.

Additionally, if you’re looking for another real estate crowdfunding platform, you might want to check out Fundrise, which offers a similar service to RealtyMogul.

Remember, investing in peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding platforms can be a great way to generate passive income, but it’s essential to assess the risks and research the platforms before diving in. And while building your passive income portfolio, don’t forget to keep the tone casual and have fun along the way!

Legal and Tax Considerations

When starting a passive income endeavour, there are a few legal and tax considerations to keep in mind. It’s essential to stay compliant with local laws and regulations, and don’t forget about tax obligations for additional income.

Tax Implications

You’ll need to report any income you earn through passive sources to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Remember, taxes on passive income often depend on the types of revenue streams and your individual tax situation. Some common tax implications associated with passive income include:

  • Income tax: You’ll need to declare your passive income on your annual tax return as part of your total earnings, and it will be subject to income tax appropriate to your tax bracket. Keep accurate records of your earnings and expenses related to passive income activities.
  • Self-employment tax: If your passive income comes from a side gig or freelancer work, you may be required to pay self-employment tax. Always check the IRS’s criteria for self-employed individuals to determine if you fall within that category.

Business Model Considerations

Different passive income models can have different legal and tax implications, so you should consider factors like the payout structure, the source of income, and your overall approach to your passive income ventures. Some common business models and their legal considerations include:

  • Affiliate marketing: Affiliate programs typically involve promoting another company’s product, earning a commission when someone makes a purchase using your unique referral link. You may have to sign an agreement with companies you’re working with, and the payout structure can impact how and when you pay your taxes.
  • Renting out property: If you decide to rent out a property, you may need to register your rental as a business, adhere to local landlord-tenant laws, and pay taxes on your rental income, based on the location and type of property.
  • Selling products online: When selling products online, you may have to collect sales taxes for transactions made in your local jurisdiction, and the platform you choose might impose its own rules and regulations, such as eBay or Amazon FBA.

Remember that the best way to navigate these legal and tax considerations is to consult with a knowledgeable professional, such as an accountant or tax advisor, to ensure that you’re following the rules and not leaving yourself exposed to unexpected liabilities.

Diversifying and Managing Your Income

Portfolio Diversification

To effectively manage your passive income, it’s important to diversify your portfolio. This means spreading your investments across various assets to maximise returns and minimise risks. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Here are some ideas to consider adding to your portfolio:

  • Cash back: Look for credit cards that offer cash back rewards on your purchases. It may not seem like much, but over time, it’ll add up and provide a small stream of passive income.
  • Certificates of deposit (CDs): Consider investing in CDs, which usually have a fixed term and interest rate. These are low-risk investments that can provide a stable passive income stream.

Remember, the key to successful diversification is to balance your investments. Too many high-risk investments can lead to losses, while too many low-risk investments may not generate enough income.

Passive Income Maintenance

Once you’ve diversified your portfolio, it’s important to manage and maintain your passive income streams. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Monitor your investments: Keep an eye on your investments regularly. Check their performance and adjust your strategies as required.
  2. Evaluate management fees: If you’re paying management fees for any investments, check if they’re worth it. High fees can eat into your passive income, so make sure you’re getting good value for the services provided.
  3. Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on personal finance and investment trends. Continuously learning and staying on top of your investments will help you make better decisions that can lead to increased passive income.

Lastly, remember that managing your passive income is an ongoing process. Stay disciplined and diligent in overseeing your investments, and you’ll continue reaping the rewards of passive income streams.